Glorious Goodwood Hospitality & VIP Tickets

Glorious Goodwood 2025
VIP Ticket Packages & Hospitality
Goodwood Racecourse
29 July-2 August 2025

Are you looking for the best Glorious Goodwood hospitality packages?

Glorious Goodwood VIP hospitality 2022

“Glorious Goodwood” which is the Qatar Festival Meeting is held in the summer each year and features the best horses and attracts a wide range of British society who are all dressed to impress at this stylish and sophisticated horse racing meeting.

The festival attracts over 100,000 people each year including numerous celebrities and proves a very popular corporate event as there aren’t many other big events on during this time and there is a wide range of packages catering for all budgets.

For further details of on “Glorious Goodwood” hospitality packages please see below.

March Stand Boxes

This is the real VIP option at Goodwood and we have a limited number of 12 seater boxes, with private balcony, located within the premier Richmond enclosure. Guests enjoy wonderful views of the winning post and panoramic views of the whole course.

The boxes come with fully inclusive hospitality throughout the day, and we also have boxes available in the Sussex stands.

Charlton Hunt Restaurant

Glorious Goodwood

Guests in this restaurant enjoy head on views of the finish line and the hospitality includes a lavish 5-course fine dining which takes inspiration from Goodwood’s own award winning organic home farm.

There is also a private balcony which offers panoramic views of Chichester and the English Channel. Again, full hospitality is provided throughout the day.

The Secret Garden

This award-winning wonderland is located in a fabulous position just beyond the winning post.

This small, personable and tranquil setting has a fantastic garden and comes with the best service and full hospitality throughout the day.

The Final Furlong

As the name suggests this is located at the final furlong of the track in the Gordon enclosure.

Situated close to the course, guests will enjoy delicious food such meats from the Goodwood Estate and full hospitality throughout the day.


For prices, availability and further information on our 2025 Glorious Goodwood hospitality and VIP packages please email us on [email protected]