My family and I, all 14 of us, just happened to be in London on the same day as Billy Joel was. We truly wanted to go and see this concert but was unable to find any tickets. Coming from Los Angeles, we were a bit skeptical about buying any tickets from any sort of ‘broker’ online. But, in my online search, I found Rocket Hospitality and my family is so happy that we did! It took us a while to decide to pay Rocket Hospitality for our tickets but based on the reviews, we were hoping this company was real and our ’emailed’ tickets would be legitimate tickets… I am happy to report, that they were real!! We got right in Wembley and had an amazing time. Thank you Rocket!! If I am ever in that area again, I know exactly who I would turn to for tickets to any event in the UK and in Europe as I am sure they can help you out!